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3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope, Black Edition Chestpiece, Black Tube, 27 inch, 5803 review

About 3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope

Full 3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope amz review

There is no doubt that the market of medical devices has been monopolized by Littmann. We’ve been reviewing the stethoscopes for quite long time now. This time we put the 3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope, Black Edition Chestpiece on our workbench to test it out. So, sit down comfortably and tune in.

The Littmann Classic 3 came in a black, neat box. You can choose from variety of colors, the website provides information that it’s over 16 so you can definitely get your piece personalized and fancy, instead of being boring.

The design is ergonomic and well-thought. It comes with single tube variation and double sided chest piece – paediatric side and adult side. The fabric is 100% cotton, it weighs 5.3 ounces and the length is 27 inches. Headset is easily adjusted by squeezing or pulling apart the ear tubes. It’s firm and very comfortable, even after longer periods of time. The weigh may be a minus for more sensitive people as after longer times of practice you can get tired of carrying it on your neck, especially after having whole 12 hour shift of taking care of people. There is no natural rubber latex or phthalate plasticizers in any part in order to protect the environment and also for sake of patients health.

3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope Features

Littmann Classic III comes with 5 years warranty which is incredibly long time and you can be sure that you will use this stethoscope for long time without any problems. The reliability is just there.
The design is flexible even after keeping it in your pocket and the casing is durable enough to subsist alcohol and skin oils.

Single tube design is definitely better than the double tube designs as the sound quality is unquestionably higher.

There are definitely some strong pros of this device, but as it is in real life, nothing is perfect, so we listed few cons we have noticed while using this piece.

The tube length is fixed, means you can’t get that part personalized for you and it may be a big deal for some people.

It’s heavier than some of the stethoscopes that come with the same acoustic quality, but the price is also higher for these.

The price 3M Littmann Classic III on amazon varies from 80 to 90$, which is a fair deal for this quality of a stethoscope.

Littmann Classic III Review Conclusion

To sum things up, we believe that it’s a great and well-thought stethoscope with a fair price. If you decide to purchase it you will definitely keep it with you for a long period of time without worries for its failure. It’s reliable and safe but unfortunately any specialised cardiologist will see the difference between this device and some higher tier stethoscopes but it’s great for starting practitioners and general practitioners. Few people of our team decided to drop their stethoscopes and started using these as they enjoyed it so much. If you are confused which one to buy but your budget is up to 100$ then you can be sure that this choice won’t disappoint you at any point of your medical journey.